
The world’s smallest current amplifier for nanopores and single-channel electrophysiology applications. Three versions available, choose your ideal input current and voltage stimulus ranges.

eONE Family - Single Channel Amplifiers

Why to choose the eOne?

Miniaturized – small footprint 74x30x15 mm

User friendly – both the device and the software interface

Top rate performance – Low noise amplifier, digitizer and filter (up to 100 kHz bandwidth)

Which eOne has the characteristics you need?

Light Plus High Current
Current Ranges ±200pA; ±20nA

±200pA; ±2nA

±20nA; ±200nA


±20µA; ±200µA

Max Bandwidth 100 kHz 100 kHz 100 kHz
Resistance estimator V V V
Capacitance estimator V V V
Voltage range ±500mV ±2000mV ±1800mV
Voltage protocols V V V
Digital Trigger Output X V V

Use cases

How to connect eOne in a typical setup

Noise comparison


Common features to eONE versions:

    • Digital Trigger output (eONE Plus and HC versions)
    • Filters: Digital
    • ADC resolution: 16 bit
    • Offset compensation: ± 128 mV
    • Input Connector: SMB
    • Ground connector: 2 mm banana plug
    • PC interface: USB 2.0 plug n’ play – mini B connector
    • Software interface: Elements Data Reader
    • Data output format: .dat – .abf
    • Size&Weight: 30x15x74 mm – 40 g
    • Power Consumption: 850 mW

Custom device development

With our custom ASIC design technology we can help you configure specific tools and solutions for your applications.

Let us know how we can help you design the tools and software you need.