Elements Data Reader

The EDR3 software interface enables an easy control of all the eONE, multichannel amplifiers and nanopore readers, showing and saving data in real time. Input current ranges, bandwidth, voltage stimuli and electrode offset compensation can all be easily selected and modified.

Resistance, Capacitance and rms noise can be continuously monitored.

Data can be stored in commonly used formats like .dat or .abf The online analysis module enhances the EDR3 features.

A variety of analysis can be done on live experiments, such as current histograms, Dwell and inter-event time histograms, I/V graph, FFT.

Elements Data Analyzer

Elements Data Analyzer is a data visualization and analysis software for data acquired with Elements instruments in the .dat and .abf format. The intuitive graphical user interface allows a quick and easy data visualization. EDA performs fast data conversion between the supported data format (.dat, .abf and .csv).

Supported features are current histograms, current events detection, current spectrum (FFT), I/V graph, current step detection, filters. Lab book entries are visualized as labels on the current traces.

Application Programming Interface

Master your Elements’ amplifier by programmatically controlling it via the communication libraries.

Via the libraries you can:

  • Script complex behavior that will be executed automatically
  • Implement closed loop controls to make your amplifier react to the acquired signals
  • Use the amplifier in combination with other laboratory instrumentation

The libraries are provided as static or dynamic C++ libraries.


  • Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11
  • macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Catalina*, Mojave*
  • Dual core 2.0 GHz CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 1366 x 768 Display
  • 1 USB 2.0 port


  • Quad core 2.6 GHz CPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 1920 x 1080 Display

*Note: on macOS Mojave and Catalina Gatekeeper will complain about the software being potentially malicious. We’re working to solve this issue, but until then you can still install our applications provided that you let your mac open the installers anyway (more on this on Apple’s website: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202491)

Libraries Terms and Conditions

  • License: for free, MIT license
  • Distribution: provided as-is (*), without warranty
  • Support: no guaranteed support (**)

If you find any bugs feel free to contact [email protected] to report them.


Documentation and Usage

  • Entry Functions: all the entry functions of the libraries are documented with doxygen style comments in the main header files
  • Libraries Basic Usage: the basic usage of the libraries is shown via example projects packed within the library bundle
  • Readme File: please read the readme file included in the library bundle for additional info


Important note

Control loops closed by the software are inherently subject to loop delays due to the software/amplifier communication and the data buffering. Therefore, delays of up to tens of milliseconds are to be expected. For this reason, this functionality can only work for tasks like unclogging a pore with a voltage pulse, but not for tasks that require microsecond reaction times.


Almost all devices that can be controlled with EDR3 can also be used with EDR4. Since EDR4’s API has significant improvements over the previous version, we strongly suggest that you try to connect your device to EDR4. If it works, please visit the EDR4 API page. If your device is not compatible with EDR4, contact us at [email protected]. In your email, explain that you would like an API to control your device and include a screenshot of the “Device Information” window from the “?” menu of EDR3.


(*) Modifications to the libraries, such the addition of new features, will be invoiced. Any new feature developed by Elements on request, and developed for a fee, will be released as open source code and it will be usable by Elements to improve the documentation or to help other customers.

(**) Free support is provided only for clarifications, in case the documentation is effectively lacking. For any other kind of support, Elements will estimate the required effort and invoice accordingly. Any additional code developed by Elements on request, and developed for a fee, will be released as open source code and it will be usable by Elements to improve the documentation or to help other customers.